February 6, 2023
In a tougher market, you cannot afford to reduce the quality of your marketing material. Getting the visual appeal right is going to be crucial when there are more properties than ever fighting for attention on the portals.
If you are worried about the cost, we have a number of options for you to consider that will help minimise the risk of your outlay and ensure you can still offer top quality marketing to your vendors. You might be surprised to know that we have our own collections team that can take payment on your behalf – around 25% of estate agent clients never receive a bill! Get in touch today to request a copy of our payment plans guide.
NicheCom is one of the few property marketing agencies that can provide photography, floorplans, EPC, video, 3D scan and even drone photography from a single marketing visit. A marketing package will usually involve at the very minimum, photography, floorplans and EPC (if required) but we can easily add video, 3D scan or drone imagery as extras.
If you would prefer to offer a premium marketing package as an ‘upgrade’ and to request payment up front, we have our own payment collections team that can manage this process. Avoid any difficult conversations and let us deal with settling the bill.
No losses to swallow if your sale falls through and your vendor will still enjoy the advantages that professional marketing can bring.
This is a straightforward option where we invoice an agent for the full package and they cover the costs from their commission. Many agents believe that they more than benefit from the investment by way of improving market share and increasing instruction levels.
It can also be used as a way of justifying your fee level when sellers might be haggling for a reduction.
If you want to cover the cost of the essentials, ie photography and floorplan, there are numerous ways you can offset the cost.
The majority of agents charge an additional fee for an EPC, video or 3D showcase so we will demonstrate the savings that can be made to help you neutralise the cost. As you will see below, the more you can add to a package, the better value it becomes.
The example below is based on pricing for a typical 1200 – 1500 square foot property.
We charge for photos, floorplan and EPC
Vendor pays for EPC
Net cost to an agent £50
We charge for photos, floorplan, EPC and video
Vendor pays for EPC and a video
Net cost to an agent £35
We charge for photos, floorplan, EPC and 3D scan
Vendor pays for EPC plus 3D scan
Net cost to an agent £30
We charge for photos, floorplan, EPC, 3D scan and video
Vendor pays for EPC plus 3D scan and video
Net cost to an agent £15
To find out more about how you can offset the costs of your property marketing this year please contact us today for a copy of property plans guide.
The perceived value of a property marketing video or 3D showcase is often far higher than the actual cost once it is rolled into one of our packages.
As demonstrated, you can offer your vendors top quality photography and a floorplan but by charging for an enhanced offering that includes video or a 3D scan, you can offset a high percentage of the cost to you, and almost make it cost neutral.
We would welcome the opportunity to discuss any of these options further. Please do not hesitate to contact us on 0118 977 0690 or email info@nichecom.co.uk to request a copy of our payment plan guide or if you have any other queries.